Take A Stand

Down Fall of Seeking Outside Positions

Down Fall of Seeking Outside Positions

I have been no stranger to having multiple jobs in addition to running my own freelance business. In fact most photographers I know work other jobs because it either grounds us or offsets our earnings in our down periods and there is nothing wrong with that.

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Watch How You Approach Photographers

Watch How You Approach Photographers

I have been a photographer for a long time. I have specialized in Rodeos and Equine events for the majority of my career and sometimes that means I photograph tough to view moments. In my field we call them wrecks, others probably call them accidents, but in nearly all cases we document them the same as a perfect run.

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Catching Thieves

Catching Thieves

So much of my time as a photographer is finding people illegally taking and using my work, violating my copyright, and providing a lot of my existential dread of being a professional. From the day my work started becoming good enough for attention people wanting to exploit it and take it for free converged out of the woodwork. It has since been an eternal struggle to stop people be they strangers, event participants, or large corporations for taking my work without proper permissions and payments.

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When A Dream Turns into a Nightmare

When A Dream Turns into a Nightmare

I thought it was a dream position too. At least until after hiring a good friend and former co-worker who is an extremely hard worker and very competent things took an unexpected turn for us. Discrimination roared its ugly head.

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Home of the Controlled

Home of the Controlled

It is time to fight like hell because we will not be going back. This country should be leading the world and instead, it is falling behind further and further.

Not the home of the Free... HOME OF THE CONTROLLED

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